Monday, March 14, 2011

You Should Write A Blog!

A kind soul recently commented that I should write a blog. The things this squirrel sees in life from her spot in the figurative tree. It's a neat place to be, my tree. The world goes by - some humans minding their own business, some not. Some looking like a smile never touches their face, some looking like hope is a distant stranger to them. I made a decision to try and be the hands and feet of Jesus to whoever I encounter on a daily basis. That decision alone has had a big impact on my life. Some people look at me and just see a kindly squirrel, well intentioned but kind of goofy. Others seem to be able to see a bit below my squirrel fur and detect my heart felt desire to love people as Jesus loves me.

I FEEL like a squirrel most days. The attention span that used to be one of my greatest strengths.... it moved out and didn't leave a forwarding address. A friend told me awhile back that I have the attention span of Ms. Pac Man. I prefer to think of it as squirrely. Watch a squirrel sometime. They're here, they're there, they're running for their life from some tom cat who hasn't had lunch yet..... that's pretty much how my attention works most days!!

And memory..... another squirrely feature of mine. Fortunately, I can remember where I hid my nuts most of the time. But on all other matters.... I generally have to stand still wherever I am, because I'll start off with a thought and within about 10 seconds, I'll get this vague look on my face and be kind of quiet. Some people think I'm having a medical emergency. No. I'm just waiting for my thought to "boomerang back to me". My thoughts have decided they like to play boomerang. They take off without much notice and generally, if I'm nice to them, they waft back through the air and return to my brain when they're ready. We've managed to come up with a peaceful coexistence!

So, just as soon as I can remember WHY I'm supposed to write a blog, I'll come back and write something! Until then... looking for the boomerang. :-)


  1. Squirrels are amazing little creatures, very smart, always busy, with a sense for purpose and totally adorably cute to look at. I like it!!!! A squirrel you should be :-)
    The memory thing is happening to me as well, yikes is it something in the water at this particular part of our lives? lol At least you have a sense of humor about it, i still have the tendency to get panicky... but im working on it. Loved reading your squirrely thoughts on this still wintry morning, you made me smile...

  2. Awwww, that`s one of this squirrely girl`s main passions - to give people a reason to smile... Thanks :-)
