Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Kevin!!

Greetings friends of Squirrel Town! It's a most splendiferous day :-) Today is my son's 14th birthday!! Applause all around! Imagine the balloons, the parade floats, the big band playing Happy Birthday.... kind of like Mayberry during one of their shindigs :-)

I made a special cake, yes I did....

After school, time to have fun :-)  (I personally think no one should have to work or go to school on their birthday.... and if Squirrely Girl is ever elected Queen of the Earth, that's the first law she will pass :-)  Alas, I am not and so, to school he must go!

Enjoy this most official holiday in Squirrel Town everyone!

Blessings :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Heavenly Viewing Spots

It's such a beautiful evening; after a day of downpours threatening to send cats and dogs floating by!

I have the windows open, listening to the birds outside while there's a classical concert playing on the radio. For me, it doesn't get much better than that. The thing is, I don't always get to sit by my favorite window seat - there are two felines who take up residence there whenever possible. :-)  I have to ask permission to enjoy the view!

That's if I'm even allowed to sit at the table...

Buddy can be awfully territorial!

For tonight, they're allowing me a spot at the window.... thanks Mavis and Buddy! Buddy's the boy.... Mavis is our princess.

I got my journal out tonight to write some thoughts while listening to the birds. It's interesting what words come to the surface when you quiet yourself down and listen. Sometimes I hear the whisperings of God, sometimes it's the birds. Tonight it feels like God is telling me to slow down and take life easy.

I have this penchant for not being able to enjoy life when it's going along smoothly. There's something in there that seems determined to get me to sign up for too many activities, show up for too little sleep, eat too much nutritionally empty food. It's an ongoing effort to remind myself that I'm worth more than that. I deserve sleep, healthy food and a schedule not designed for SupercrazedSquirrelWoman.

Time to start listening for the words meant to go into my journal tonight. If they're anything extraordinary, I may share them with you.

Blessings :-)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Living the Dream :-)

Okay, am I the only one who hasn't mailed their taxes yet?? I noticed on the list of national holidays that today is also National Jugglers Day, and it had in parenthesis that this holiday also applies to multitasking office workers!!! Amen!!! The office worker part applies to Squirrely Girl, but not the juggling..... unless you count juggling your sanity.... then maybe I do!!!!!  I have zero eye to hand coordination, so trying to keep multiple balls flying through the air with the greatest of ease just ISN'T going to happen for me :-)

Mailing my taxes today. There's something about driving down to Dalton Street right before the deadline, handing your tax return to the cheery postal worker (If it's not raining or snowing he's pretty cheery!!) and getting that feeling of Uncle Sam breathing down your neck off your back for one more year..... well, what an adrenaline rush it can be, especially if there's a traffic jam and you sweat it that you won't hit the post office in time!

Sometimes I look back at my life, I've missed most of the things that give a lot of people their rush.  Gotta wonder about mine..... beating deadlines, finding out when I get in the car if I remembered to put gas in the tank or not....

My forgetfulness can lead to a lot of interesting rushes..... do you know, last week while I was stopped at a traffic light.... I think I was having a really overwhelmed kind of day..... I actually for a nano second couldn't remember if I put on a shirt or not..... now, you'd think I'd just look down, which eventually I did. But first I went through the mental ponderings of, "Well, I must've, I would feel a breeze if I hadn't." and THEN it occurred to me to look down.... Whew..... I did!!!! I'm guessing all spectators I passed were glad for that..... I won't even tell you the next adrenaline rush I had when my daffy mind THEN went on to wonder if I had put on deodorant or not!!!!!

Yep, never a dull moment in my brain :-)

Isn't God great? He could've made me "normal"..... how flipping boring would THAT be??


Thursday, April 14, 2011

International Moment of Laughter Day

It seemed a natural for me to write about this international holiday. But why limit it to a moment? I suppose a moment is better than nothing if you don't know how to laugh, but in Squirrel Town, we like to laugh until our little furry bellies ache!! Just seems fitting :-)

Almost seems sad that animals know how to enjoy a good belly laugh, but humans have to have a holiday to remind them....

Maybe animals could teach us a few things.

Like, there's nothing better than a hug or a fuzzy cuddle to make you smile.

Or, laughs are better when shared with a friend!

Sometimes I can have a blue day, but my philosophy's always been, "I know I'm okay as long as I can find something to laugh about." And I always have been able to. I guess God gave me that built in meter to know if I was okay or not.

Maybe you don't have anything to laugh about today. You can always write to me and I can tell you a few jokes, or sing!

Whatever it takes.... SMILE!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This message is for YOU today.

Hello. How are you? I'm writing this in case you're one of those people who thinks that nobody notices you, or your thoughts don't matter. They do. I write here, in the hopes that someone will write back and start a dialog. Get the conversation flowing and give you a place to express how you feel about matters. It doesn't matter if you agree with me or if you think I'm completely off the mark. I want to know how you feel and how you're doing. How it feels like your place in this world is shaping up today.

I want to tell you about the God in Heaven who cares so much for you, that He uses even squirrely little girls like me to get that message out!!! Of course God loves squirrels, He created them, didn't He? He gave them the ability to climb the bird feeder poles, snatching the food and driving you endlessly bonkers but making you laugh at the same time :-) 

They especially drive me around the bend when they chomp into the tomatoes on my plants, usually just about one day before they're ready to pick! But I don't get mad, that's just my Squirrel brother and sisters dropping by for lunch.

Back to you.

Tell me what you'd like to talk about. What questions you have about God. Maybe you and I can look the answers up together. We both might learn something. :-)

But don't expect God to make the four footed squirrels behave any time soon. What fun would that be? :-)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

God Doesn't Need My Help Driving!!

It occurred to me this morning how arrogant I've been, even when I imagine I'm being humble and giving God the wheel. For years, I've prided myself on thinking, "God is my co-pilot". Do I really imagine God needs my help to guide the plane, the journey, the road trip?

I've been pondering what it would look like if I offered to keep our vehicle ready for the road trip...

But what would happen if I REALLY let Him have total control? If I got out of the driver's seat, the co-pilot's seat.... if I just hopped in the back seat and enjoyed the ride? How about in this cool car? :-)

Definitely cool color and style.... but I think we might like to ride with the windows down, enjoying the breeze...

Wow, could you see sitting in the back seat of this, enjoying the breeze, enjoying giving control over to your Heavenly Father? Trusting Him to have your back, to watch for the pot holes, the snares, the troubles, to know that He would lovingly stay on course for you while letting you relax and tell Him what's on your mind, your heart?

I think He knows that sometimes, much as I want to, I'm still going to wrestle the wheel away from Him and make some really prideful, ill advised choices. I believe His heart breaks for me when I make such a choice, because He knows the pain it will cause ME. :-(

I think, just for today, I will lovingly and willingly give my pride and will over to Him and let Him have control.

I can't wait to see where we'll go!!