Monday, April 18, 2011

Living the Dream :-)

Okay, am I the only one who hasn't mailed their taxes yet?? I noticed on the list of national holidays that today is also National Jugglers Day, and it had in parenthesis that this holiday also applies to multitasking office workers!!! Amen!!! The office worker part applies to Squirrely Girl, but not the juggling..... unless you count juggling your sanity.... then maybe I do!!!!!  I have zero eye to hand coordination, so trying to keep multiple balls flying through the air with the greatest of ease just ISN'T going to happen for me :-)

Mailing my taxes today. There's something about driving down to Dalton Street right before the deadline, handing your tax return to the cheery postal worker (If it's not raining or snowing he's pretty cheery!!) and getting that feeling of Uncle Sam breathing down your neck off your back for one more year..... well, what an adrenaline rush it can be, especially if there's a traffic jam and you sweat it that you won't hit the post office in time!

Sometimes I look back at my life, I've missed most of the things that give a lot of people their rush.  Gotta wonder about mine..... beating deadlines, finding out when I get in the car if I remembered to put gas in the tank or not....

My forgetfulness can lead to a lot of interesting rushes..... do you know, last week while I was stopped at a traffic light.... I think I was having a really overwhelmed kind of day..... I actually for a nano second couldn't remember if I put on a shirt or not..... now, you'd think I'd just look down, which eventually I did. But first I went through the mental ponderings of, "Well, I must've, I would feel a breeze if I hadn't." and THEN it occurred to me to look down.... Whew..... I did!!!! I'm guessing all spectators I passed were glad for that..... I won't even tell you the next adrenaline rush I had when my daffy mind THEN went on to wonder if I had put on deodorant or not!!!!!

Yep, never a dull moment in my brain :-)

Isn't God great? He could've made me "normal"..... how flipping boring would THAT be??


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