Friday, June 10, 2011

Doing Unto Others

It's been a great week, meeting the residents I'll be visiting with at the nursing home; making prizes and crafts for them.

Oh, and I have my first assignment coming up next week to deliver a birthday cake, flowers and birthday goodies to an elderly friend in another nursing home. Helping him to feel like a king on his special day! How cool is that? :-)

The happiness I feel over doing stuff for other people feels so surreal to me. Not used to this selflessness thing. I'm not trying to be funny when writing that.... I'm really unused to not being consumed with being number one.

There's a freedom and an odd, enveloping joy that is taking over me. Serenity fits in there somewhere.

Working with the cats at the animal shelter gives me a feeling of contentment that I can not even explain. I met a new resident cat this week - Cameron, a Siamese. What a gorgeous laid back fellow he is. And he hung out with me while I worked on the cages. It was an honor to feel his acceptance. I know non cat lovers probably read that and think I'm off my rocker. Maybe. But cat lovers will understand.

This is Cameron :-)

Not to say I don't still have moments of melancholy. They seem a little less strangleholding when they happen now, and they tend to fade away more quickly.

I can't say I understand this. Me, who likes to analyze everything, is having to accept what's happening to me on faith.


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