Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is Here, Tra La La!!!!

Good morning friends! The day I've been counting down to for 55 days is HERE! Spring!! And then I looked outside. BLECH!! Gray, gloomy, sad...

I saw my neighbors looking too.

Wow, this day we've been looking forward to for so long, and THIS is what we got?

My other neighbor didn't look much happier. I had to pour a cup of coffee and ponder on this.        I was so sure when Spring arrived, that I'd be happy.  But my friends clearly didn't look so cheerful. What did this mean?

My friends and I decided to meditate and pray on it. Miss Kitty looks so much prettier in that position than I do!!

Do you know what God laid on my heart? Spring is just a date on the calendar. No guarantees that that date will be sunshine and rainbows. BUT, it doesn't mean you can't experiene the Son or rainbows in your heart and a Joy that the world can't give and can't take away (thank you Newsboys :-)  )

When you place your heart and your trust in God, and I mean REALLY give it to Him, which I find so often that I haven't. I THINK I do, but then I realize I'm still holding a death grip on whatever the situation or feeling might be, and wondering why I'm still so sad.... When you really give the matter or emotion to Him...
                                   Let Go and Let God.....                                  

                    beautiful things can happen!!                              

It may be raining on the outside, but you don't have to let it make you sad.


 It's up to you... do you know how many times I forget that? Not worth counting :-(  But it is, it's up to me. For today, I choose inner rainbows and sunshine! And that's my wish for you too!!


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