Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring is about to be Sprung! (?!)

Why do I look forward to the first day of Spring so excitedly each year? It's almost as if I think that life is going to change dramatically when I wake up that day!! The sun will shine, the world will radiate peace, love and hope; I will be full of wisdom and serenity! Wow, Spring has a lot to live up to for this Squirrel :-)
A Squirrel can dream.


  1. Spring? I love spring... has it sprung?
    its wintry gray and cold as can be and even wet.... not springy at all :-(
    I want to see buds budding. I want to hear birds chirping and busy bulding cool nests!
    i want to feel warm!!!!!

  2. Spring gets Sprung on March 20th.

    In Squirrel Town, we celebrate Spring. :-)

    The legend is... if you're a very good squirrel, you'll wake up to a pouch of roasted nuts left under your pillow by the Chestnut Fairy AND a pretty purple ribbon for a squirrely girl's tail...

    I must be baaadddd... I'm still waiting for my ribbon :-( My tail hangs in shame!!
