Monday, March 28, 2011

See Me

I was wondering how it would be to have the magnificent gift of being able to see myself as God sees me? I went on a search for a picture that might represent how God sees us. It's kind of interesting how man interprets what God's point of view might be. Most of the photos showing God looking at us were downright scary. Here's one of the ones I at least found interesting. Terror inducing, but interesting.  

I found one that sort of mirrors how I see God's eyes. This one looks kind and loving. I imagine when God looks at me He looks at me with Fatherly love. I know the eye looks feminine in this picture, but I couldn't find a God looking picture that looked masculine.

This picture is actually a good choice, as I'm trying to imagine how God might look when He looks at me.... as I'd like to be able to look at myself through God's eyes and stop wasting my time on earth seeing me through Squirrely Girl's flawed lenses. I have things to offer people, but I'm too busy seeing all of my imperfections. What a time waster. :-(

Maybe I can start to change that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

National Goof Off Day! and Big Tummies Are No Fun-ee :-(

Hello visitors to Squirrel Town. I'm HAPPY to announce a national holiday is here that I'm really suited for: National Goof Off Day!!! Yaayyy.... it's finally okay to play :-)

I may just have to play a few tunes to celebrate!

On a much more boring note.... yawwwnnnnn.... some of the critters at the Peanut Factory where I work, and I, have decided it's time to lose some of our winter coat for Spring. Seems some of us have too much gorgeous for our own good. I didn't realize my fur had gotten so "fluffy" till I saw my photo taken at the company meeting last week:

Oh dear, guess I HAVE been hitting the peanuts a little hard this winter.... 

We've started a contest to see which furry creature can lose the extra pounds the best. Squirrely Girl isn't doing too good so far. But I got up out of my warm bed this a.m. and worked out, so hopefully I'm on the right track. I need you all to wish me well and make sure I work out!!

I didn't think this was very nice. Someone caught me napping at work and snapped my picture. Not my most ladylike pose!  Hopefully future snaps will be a little more attractive!  But for now, I guess I have to put down some of my vices and get busy.

Wish me success!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is Here, Tra La La!!!!

Good morning friends! The day I've been counting down to for 55 days is HERE! Spring!! And then I looked outside. BLECH!! Gray, gloomy, sad...

I saw my neighbors looking too.

Wow, this day we've been looking forward to for so long, and THIS is what we got?

My other neighbor didn't look much happier. I had to pour a cup of coffee and ponder on this.        I was so sure when Spring arrived, that I'd be happy.  But my friends clearly didn't look so cheerful. What did this mean?

My friends and I decided to meditate and pray on it. Miss Kitty looks so much prettier in that position than I do!!

Do you know what God laid on my heart? Spring is just a date on the calendar. No guarantees that that date will be sunshine and rainbows. BUT, it doesn't mean you can't experiene the Son or rainbows in your heart and a Joy that the world can't give and can't take away (thank you Newsboys :-)  )

When you place your heart and your trust in God, and I mean REALLY give it to Him, which I find so often that I haven't. I THINK I do, but then I realize I'm still holding a death grip on whatever the situation or feeling might be, and wondering why I'm still so sad.... When you really give the matter or emotion to Him...
                                   Let Go and Let God.....                                  

                    beautiful things can happen!!                              

It may be raining on the outside, but you don't have to let it make you sad.


 It's up to you... do you know how many times I forget that? Not worth counting :-(  But it is, it's up to me. For today, I choose inner rainbows and sunshine! And that's my wish for you too!!


Friday, March 18, 2011

National Poultry Day!!

Oh fun! It's March19th and in Squirrel Town, we'll be celebrating National Poultry Day with our brother and sister poultry....   I can just picture my friends dancing in the street

I'm suppoing some of them might go out for dinner, but I have to guess that they don't particularly like Chick-Fil-A.

I wonder if they like the game Corn Hole? Or do they get too distracted trying to eat the corn out of the little sacks??

In any event, a tip of my hat to all the lovely chickens, turkeys and other poultry who make our lives much more tasty.

As for the rest of Squirrel Town, it promises to be a great weekend. Spring is just a breath away, all that basketball on t.v. for those who watch, and my squirrely body is getting used to the Spring Forward time change at last. Don't you love the lighter evenings? :-)

On that happy note, be blessed and enjoy your weekend!

This is the day!

Good day visitors to Squirrel Town! It was a hot time in Squirrel Town yesterday. Squirrel Husband had to go to the hospital for a medical procedure and everyone there was dressed in their finest St. Patty's Day finery. A very cheery sight in a not so cheerful setting. This Squirrel wore her beads to the event and was mightily confused when someone asked, "So who did you flash to get those beads?" I forgot some wee lassies flash what their momma's gave them to get beads from strangers.... So what could I reply? "I flashed a leprechaun, of course!"

I even managed to get a snap of the leprechaun before he whisked away :-)  In the spirit of St. Patty's Day, he didn't chase me up a tree... sure.... I'm grateful!! :-)

So here I am on one of the last days of winter. I'll be glad when the calendar changes to Spring.  Looking forward to God's wonderful nature show of blossoming tulips, daffodils, SHAMROCKS of course :-), green grass and all the other beautiful sights that pop up at this time of year. Doesn't it just put a spring in your step when the weather gets nicer and the sun shines down on you?

Wishing you blessings today, may you know how much you're loved and don't forget to tip the squirrel who made you smile.... just a few nuts thank you :-)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss... Even If He Was A Piggie :-)

I'm starting to enjoy this blogging business.  Now, whether anyone reading it enjoys it, who knows? But I'm having fun :-) 

I learned that today (March 16th) is Lips Appreciation Day. Which got me to thinking... I don't really give my lips much notice. They're just sort of  "there".  But then I realized without my lips, it wouldn't be nearly so easy to drink a cup of coffee. I'm not sure how, exactly, I'd get my brew in.  Just toss it and hope it hits the mark?  Seems kind of iffy...

Then I remembered another time, many years ago, when my lips came in really handy.  There was a festival called "Days of Swine and Roses" and a good squirrel never misses a chance to celebrate her swine brothers and sisters (especially at Easter with a Honey baked Ham... but I digress).  This particular event honored all things piggie.  There was a Miss Piggy Look Alike Competition (can't say I'd want to go home bragging that I won the trophy for looking like a pig), Pig Races, Pig Souvenirs, and MY favorite contest of the day - a Pig Kissing Contest!  I was younger then and loved piggies, so I thought, "Why not?" It helped that they were baby pigs - freshly bathed and each had a generous sprinkle of baby powder administered directly before the smooching began. 

I'd never kissed a four footed pig before.  All I had to do was crouch down, put my face by the fence, the pig was put in its little stall and I was told to pucker up.

Yeah.... know what happens when you put your lips up to a wee squiggly piggie?  The little bugger gets way excited and shrieks out a pig call, at the same time sucking in your lips like he was an old fashioned wringer washer.  It took some convincing to get him to let go of my lips!  By now I was laughing so hard, the poor thing was probably wondering what he'd got himself into!

Well, I didn't win the trophy.  But I took away one heck of a memory :-)  

So, show some appreciation to your wonderful lips today and lay a little lip lock on someone you love. :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring is about to be Sprung! (?!)

Why do I look forward to the first day of Spring so excitedly each year? It's almost as if I think that life is going to change dramatically when I wake up that day!! The sun will shine, the world will radiate peace, love and hope; I will be full of wisdom and serenity! Wow, Spring has a lot to live up to for this Squirrel :-)
A Squirrel can dream.

Monday, March 14, 2011

You Should Write A Blog!

A kind soul recently commented that I should write a blog. The things this squirrel sees in life from her spot in the figurative tree. It's a neat place to be, my tree. The world goes by - some humans minding their own business, some not. Some looking like a smile never touches their face, some looking like hope is a distant stranger to them. I made a decision to try and be the hands and feet of Jesus to whoever I encounter on a daily basis. That decision alone has had a big impact on my life. Some people look at me and just see a kindly squirrel, well intentioned but kind of goofy. Others seem to be able to see a bit below my squirrel fur and detect my heart felt desire to love people as Jesus loves me.

I FEEL like a squirrel most days. The attention span that used to be one of my greatest strengths.... it moved out and didn't leave a forwarding address. A friend told me awhile back that I have the attention span of Ms. Pac Man. I prefer to think of it as squirrely. Watch a squirrel sometime. They're here, they're there, they're running for their life from some tom cat who hasn't had lunch yet..... that's pretty much how my attention works most days!!

And memory..... another squirrely feature of mine. Fortunately, I can remember where I hid my nuts most of the time. But on all other matters.... I generally have to stand still wherever I am, because I'll start off with a thought and within about 10 seconds, I'll get this vague look on my face and be kind of quiet. Some people think I'm having a medical emergency. No. I'm just waiting for my thought to "boomerang back to me". My thoughts have decided they like to play boomerang. They take off without much notice and generally, if I'm nice to them, they waft back through the air and return to my brain when they're ready. We've managed to come up with a peaceful coexistence!

So, just as soon as I can remember WHY I'm supposed to write a blog, I'll come back and write something! Until then... looking for the boomerang. :-)